Organic Farming

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Biodynamic Preparations
  • By Roz Strategy.Design
  • Mar 22, 2023

An essential part of our organic farming is using Biodynamic preparations on our farm. We incorporate it in our animals’ feed and water, and spray it along the farm land to ensure the best results possible.

What Is Compost Tea?
  • By Roz Strategy.Design
  • Feb 22, 2023

At Ponderosa Pecan Ranch, we are 100% committed to natural ways when it comes to managing the farm, our pecan trees, and livestock. One of these ways is using compost tea as a soil conditioner for plant production.

A Guide to Garlic Barriers
  • By Roz Strategy.Design
  • Jan 22, 2023

Garlic is an age-old insect repellent on plants. it is completely natural, organic, and effective – which is why it is the first choice for farmers, especially at Ponderosa Pecan Ranch.


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